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Forest Bathing - Eco Therapy, A Natural Connection
Tanglewood - Through the Path In Winter
Blossom - A Path through spring - blossom and music fading to birdsong
Blackthorn An Introduction
Folklore - History, Archaeology and Culture
Holy Women and Heretics
Helper of Humans and Other Animals
Wicked Witchery - True Stories and Tall Tales
Intoxication and Enchantment
Combat and Clubs
Coming of Age - Male Initiation
Spirit of the Blackthorn
'Gathering In The Green'
What you see above is a small flavour of my forest bathing and folklore journey.
No places available. Send a message to be added to the waiting list.
In 'Gathering In The Green' we will journey for a year and a day, rewilding heart and soul by deepening our relationship with trees, nature and ourselves. It is designed to be immersive and experiential.
We have regular online LIVE gatherings for discussion, meditation, ceremonies and more. All supported with carefully crafted presentations and downloads, lots of practical exercises to do outdoors and one to one sessions.
You will learn about the trees, their history, culture and stories associated with each one. Each month you will learn new ways to connect with them. It doesn’t stop there however as there are lots of extra activities released through the year. These include, for example, a look into arboglyphs and culturally modified trees, reading the land and exploring rock art, making sacred thread, blessing the trees, art & poetry inspired by trees, speaking your truth. We also work with the elements fire, water, air and earth. There is also a library with downloads, links and recommended reading.
You will take part in forest bathing exercises, a proven practice for improving health and wellbeing. You will also make pilgrimage to a special tree and place of your choice. An important part of our quest this year will also be to take part in an all-day medicine walk and vigil out in nature for which full support will be given. All of these things you do alone out in nature but you will bring back your experiences to share in a supportive community of likeminded souls.
As well as all this you also receive a package of goodies worth over £150 with The Music of Trees CD/download by Geoff Robb. You also get ‘Tree’, the wonderful book by Melina Sempil Watts, the life of an oak tree from the perspective of the tree itself. As part of our journey you will also receive a full set of Tree Spirit Essences, hand crafted by me, for you to work with for the year.
200 trees in the tropics and 10 trees in the UK will be planted for every person who joins.
You won’t be just left to get on with things alone. You will be part of a supportive community of like-minded folks where you can share ideas and inspiration. Somewhere where you can share your experiences. To make sure you have all the help and support you need there are also one to one sessions with me, the founder of Ancient and Sacred Trees, too. We meet as a group several times a month. Together we walk the wheel of the year and celebrate the seasons.
It’s not enough just to learn things, you have to go and out and apply them. And, more than gaining practical experience, you have to ‘bring it back to the village’.
What this means in effect is practising verbalising and embodying what you’ve learned in such a way that it brings a blessing to the world around you. Maybe you gain a new-found confidence being able to speak your truth, you stop crashing about in the undergrowth and find your path or you are inspired to connect with more wild beings. Whatever way wisdom comes to you it needs carefully cultivating in a community of likeminded folks, so you can then take it out into the wider world. This in brief is what it means to ‘bring it back to the village’.
In many ways we’ve never been so connected. We have phones, we have computers, we can connect from across the world. But, then again, we have never been more isolated. Modern culture doesn’t always serve us well. How often do we really stop to listen to the other, listening and speaking from the heart? How can we live and connect on a deeper level with trees and life? How can we find an authentic way of being in the world? This is an attempt to rekindle some of what has been lost in the frenetic modern world. This is an opportunity for you to deepen your ancient and sacred connection with trees and nature.
We rewild within and without.
Your journey funds the planting of 200 in the Tropics and plants 10 trees in the UK with Ancient and Sacred Trees. In this way we walk our talk for woods, wildlife and wellbeing and you get a certificate to honour your contribution, acknowledging you as a tree guardian with Ancient and Sacred Trees.
This is the activism of beauty.
This is your UniversiTree and your adventure. You will be immersed in the world of trees and nature gaining deeper connection. You will gain a greater sense of wellbeing and you will be part of a really special community.
When we rewild within and without we learn to become the blessing, instead of the curse.
Gathering In The Green is a labour of love and my offering in service to the world. As a country woman born and bred, artist, teacher (PGCE), MA Archaeology student, and as founder of Ancient and Sacred Trees, this is the culmination of my life's work so far, and I would love for you to be a part of it.
If you would like to join me and the trees on an adventure, and if you are ready to 'Become the Blessing' the trees and the world need more than ever before - Send a message to be put on the waiting list for the next one. For further details about this journey see this link.
200 trees in the tropics and 10 trees in the UK will be planted for every person who joins.
Amanda Claire x
Absolutely fascinating subject,and so well researched.Never will I look at The Blackthorn in the same way again.
Absolutely wonderful subject,and very well research.