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Welcome to Our Ancient and Sacred Trees Group

Celebrating the wisdom & life giving gifts of Trees through the Sacred Tree Singing Bird Project. Positivitree for Communitree!

Dear friends

I am delighted to welcome you to our new website & blog based on #Positivitree for #Communitree. Our Facebook group is increasing by thousands every year so it was high time to develop our community further. This time of year was known by the Celts as 'Seedfall' so let's hope the seeds sown today will grow into something wonderful.

Having run a members poll and looked through all your comments I am excited to introduce you to the 'Sacred Tree Singing Bird Project".

The 'Sacred Tree Singing Tree' project focuses on the idea that happy people make the world a better place. They are more likely to look after each other and the planet. Mental health, wellbeing and the environment are now major concerns both in Britain and World Wide as well as for our members.

This project is what you might call an attempt to reclaim our #nativesoul. That part of us that connects to nature & each other that is so often forgotten. It is about something that indigenous tribes call 'wild land dreaming'. The land has a relationship with us & we with it. The fact that we as a species have mostly forgotten this has led to disastrous consequences for the environment & our communities.

There are two quotes that sum things up nicely.

"Keep a green tree in your heart & perhaps a singing bird will come'. Chinese proverb.

The second quote is by Wallace Black Elk: Holy Man of the Oglala Sioux 1863-1950.

"It may be that some little root of the sacred tree still lives. Nourish it then that it may leaf & bloom & fill with singing birds! Hear me, that the people may once again find the good road & the shielding tree."

People will only protect what they love so our aim is to engage people with nature through trees & themselves.

The blog is interactive by signing up for the newsletter you become a member and you can sign up, join in commenting, follow each other & make new friends. You can submit articles too. The blog is by members for members, so the more we put into it the more we will all get out of it!

Here you will find a number of categories all designed so you can find your favourite topics. Also please submit articles, this is by members for members for #trees!

#Treespiration is about #nativewisdom #history #folklore #sacred connections. What is sacred to you & why? Reclaim your #indigenoussoul #wildlanddreaming. We celebrate members personal connections with trees through all faiths & none. You will find real life stories from members as well as folklore, #Treewisdom and more.

For some it is our most #ancienttrees that cast their spell. Some want to know how to care for a specific tree or to manage woodland while others long to learn more about trees in general, how they grow and how to identify them for example so we have #Universitree.

Next is #Positivitree full of good news stories, celebrations of trees, petitions, tree plantings, uplifting quotes etc. #Campaigning is a vital part of the group and campaigns to save our wonderful #Britishtrees are encouraged. We have some fantastic campaigners who work tirelessly to protect our #heritage so you can meet them here too. It isn't all doom and gloom here you will also find success stories too and how you can get involved as well. We can, and do, make a difference!

The #Creativitree category is extremely popular among many with an amazing array of photos, writing, paintings, poetry, sculpture and more in our group. This is another uplifting category and our members never fail to delight, astonish and astound with their talents. We will also share hints and tips to create your own pieces too.

Next is #Wellbeing we call #Vitalitree, it is very popular and we have many members involved in the healing professions from doctors to alternative healers. How do trees contribute to our health and well being? This is becoming an increasingly important topic for many of us. We look at #mindfulness, #forestbathing & more for #mentalhealth as well as #physicalhealth benefits.

One thing members have talked about are opportunities to meet and socialise with like minded folk. So here we have #Activitree. We hope to have a mix of events you will be able to take part in, many of them free. For example local group tree walks. We will also share tree planting activities, courses, workshops and more. As part of #Activitree we will be looking at online activitrees too.

All #trees are #sacred. What shines out in this group is the infinite variety of connections people have to trees of all kinds in all settings.

Fairtrade handmade Tree Of Life at
Tree of Life - A Fair Trade gift from

"Keep a green tree in your heart & perhaps a singing bird will come."

I have spent a long time thinking how best our group can grow, flourish and be a community that gifts something back to this beautiful world of ours. I really hope you enjoy the new website and blog etc. If you do sign up to our newsletter for special offers, latest news, pre event bookings and more. Please SHARE EVERYWHERE!!!

This website is sponsored by ethical green gift shop donating 10% of its' profits to our group and a great place to buy your gifts from.

Positivitree for communitree!

Love & Blessings from

Amanda Group Founder

If you like this site you might like to help support my work and buy me a coffee

or take a look in our shop and plant trees!


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